13. Oktober 2014

8 July 2014
To High Representative Ashton, Pierre Vimont, Christian Berger, Permanent Representatives and Political Advisors. c.c. Leonello Gabrici, Helga Schmid
Dear High Representative Ashton et al,
We are writing about the fighting between Israel and Hamas, which has now escalated into long range rockets being fired by Hamas and major Israeli air attacks on Gaza, aiming at military and civilian objects alike. Fjallraven Kanken No.2 We are also very concerned about the cycle of vicious attacks on individuals which could escalate into large-scale inter-communal violence between Israelis and Palestinians.
We were gratified by the European Union and Security Council's equal condemnation of the recent appalling kidnappings and murders of three Israeli boys and the particularly horrific revenge murder of a Palestinian boy, which have now been followed by the killing of two more Palestinians and injuring of a third when hit by a truck in what appears to be a deliberate hit and run by a settler. There have been violent clashes in East Jerusalem and N [...]