Response to Inflammatory Pamphlet of the Göttingen Liberals' Fraction Leader, Attorney F. Oldenburg
#Aktuelles- To publicly dissociate themselves from the unsubstantiated, inflammatory statements of the Göttingen attorney, council woman and parliamentary group leader F. Oldenburg.
- To explicit [...]
Offener Brief: Der Einsatz für Menschenrechte ist nicht antisemitisch
#AktuellesOpen Letter: Supporting Human Rights is not Antisemitic
#AktuellesSupporting Human Rights is not Antisemitic
In recent years the Israeli government and its supporters have tried to stifle debate both abroad and domestically about its systematic oppression of the Palestinian people and the catastrophic impacts of the 51-year-old military occupation. Civil society organizations in Israel and around the world supporting Palestinian human rights are cynically labeled by Israeli government officials as enemies of the state, traitors, and, increasingly, as antisemitic. Spaces for critical engagement are shrinking.
These worrisome developments have not bypassed Germany. We fully support the efforts of German politicians and civil society organizations to combat all contemporary forms of antisemitism – a much-needed endeavour in view of the rise of nationalist parties and movements just 73 years after the defeat of the Nazi state. Yet, under the pretense of protecting Jewish life, attacks against organizations and individuals who show solidarity with the Palestinian fight for equality and liberation have become commonplace. Free speech on Palestinian human rights is infringed through demands to prevent discussions in public spaces, public smear campaigns, and most recently, legislation.
The attacks against the Germany-based group „Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East“ (Jewish Voice) are emblematic of this global process and have drawn us together out of concern. The group, that counts among its members also recent Israeli migrants to Germany, has unequivocally raised its voice in support of peace and justice in Israel and Palestine and has consistently condemned manifestations of racism and antisemitism, including cases where they are disguised as critique of Israel. Nonetheless, as a result of a smear campaign by right-wing journalists and organizations, the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft closed the account of the group in 2016, a decision the bank overturned shortly after. The pressure on a German bank to force the closure of an account of a Jewish organization -- for the first time since the Federal Republic replace [...]Die Jüdische Stimme braucht keinen Koscher-Stempel
#AktuellesThe Jewish Voice Does Not Need a Kosher Certificate
#AktuellesWiesenthal-Zentrum: Das Paradigma pro-israelischer Unterdrückung
#AktuellesWiesenthal Center: The Paradigm of Pro-Israeli Repression
#AktuellesEvery year the Wiesenthal Center in the U.S publishes its list of the “top 10 antisemites” or anti-Semitic events. The Wiesenthal Center is a populist-right organization which receives very little international attention, except from populist-right organizations such as the Israeli newspaper